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Frequently Asked Questions

Some people have questions - hopefully this will help answer them quickly. If not, contact us

How can I post a free job opening?

Posting a free job opening on our platform is as easy as pie. Simply create an account, fill in the details of the job, and submit it for review. Our team will verify the details, and your job will be live for potential candidates to discover, at no cost at all!

What is the cost to post a featured job opening?

To maximise your job's visibility with a featured post, there's a small investment involved. The cost varies depending on the duration and prominence you choose. Please reach out to us directly for our pricing scale to find an option that suits your budget and needs.

Are there bulk discounts for many job openings?

Absolutely! We value partnerships and bulk postings, and we're happy to offer discounts. The more job openings you post, the better the deal. Contact us to discuss our sliding scale discount plan and find a package that aligns with your hiring spree.

How long does it take to get my job post approved?

We know time is of the essence when you're looking to hire. Our approval process is swift, aiming for a turnaround within 24 hours after submission. If all details meet our guidelines, your job post will be up and running in no time.

Do you offer discounts for non-profits?

Yes, we support the non-profit sector's mission by offering special discounts. We believe in making it easier for those who help others, so non-profits looking to find passionate individuals can count on us for discounted job postings. Contact us to learn more about our non-profit rates.